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Law Office




​When you, a loved one or a family friend have been charged with a crime, your very freedom and liberty is at stake.  My office provides the necessary skill and experience to navigate the difficult legal and social terrain to render the best result possible for you. 



​One of the most difficult times in a person’s life is divorce and a custody battle.  Having personally experience both, I empathize with the financial difficulties and the emotions involved in this area of the law.  My practice and philosophy is designed to fight for my clients keeping these principal in mind. 



Accidents impact the most precious asset we have, our health.  Injuries that are the fault of others have potentially devastating impact both financially and on ones ability to enjoy the simplest of things in life.  Insurance companies seek to take advantage of the situation and settle the matter for as little as possible if anything. My practice seeks to maximize your settlement and is why I take personal injury cases on a 25% contingency fee as opposed to some practices that charge 35% to 40%. 

Retainer for both Family and Criminal Law is $2000.00 charged at $200.00 per hour with the following exceptions:  First offense DUI is a $750.00 flat fee,   Preparing a Custody Complaint and attendance at a conciliation conference is a flat fee of $500.00 plus cost of filing
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